Sugarplum Attic

The Lori Bear Story

Lori was a race car driver, loved humming birds, and Keith Urban concerts. When she passed away from cancer, a portion of her ashes were embedded into the bear, providing comfort and healing. Don and Lori had been planning a roadtrip to California to visit relatives for some time. Unfortunately, Lori passed before the trip could take place. Don eventually decided he would still take the trip to California in her memory.

Before he left for the trip, loved ones arranged for Sugarplum Attic to create a bear in her memory. His Lori bear and was finished just in time for him to leave on the trip. Don was about to leave they presented him with his Lori bear. He immediately went out to his truck, strapped her in the seat belt and placed the atlas in front of her. He was so excited to have his Lori bear.

When Don returned, he talked about how he spoke to Lori Bear all the way down, and back from California. He was glad to be able to say things he wanted to say to Lori. He at least had a little part of Lori with him.

A small part of Lori really was with him, because a small vial of Lori’s ashes was placed in the heart area of the bear and could be felt under the fabric.

Don has said how therapeutic his Lori Bear is for him. Every morning when he wakes up, he says good morning to Lori bear, and the last thing he says is goodnight to her as well. He’s very comforted and it has been helping in his transition to a life without Lori.